benjaminoriginals.com does not work on some different browsers. Our website has it’s maximum capacity on Safari by Apple. We are trying to make our website more available for everyone.
If you “Pledge a Custom Amount” on the checkout page, it will not give you beneficial access to a selective plan.
Every video we make is available ad-free on Premium. Not just that, but exclusive content is made especially for Premium members.
Every time we purchase stuff for videos, such as plastic, we make sure we reuse it for another video. When we purchase paper, we make sure it is environmentally friendly paper.
Our email subscription only sends emails for updates, news, and things you may love. We will not send more than one every two days. Lately, we began to not send as many emails, because we want to respect you.
FAQ’s are always added to this page, if enough people ask them. Want to ask a question? Visit here.